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Who Are We

Who We Are

Responsive and modern consultants at the intersection of growth and stewardship. We are urbanists and community-builders, experienced in planning, design, and research.


Cootes can help you with:


  • Untangling the complex web of municipal planning regulations, including Committee of Adjustment applications for Minor Variance and Severance.

  • Figuring out what you can do with your land through property investigation.

  • Creating technical graphics through CAD and graphic design. Layouts, site plans, elevations, you name it.

  • General research. We understand technical language and can find answers to your questions.


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Site Plan

We specialize in designing technically detailed site plans and planning graphics in CAD for municipal applications. Our thorough plans are comprehensive and tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

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Researching complicated technical information - from urban planning to corporate strategy - is a specialty of ours.

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Clean 3D renders let you really visualize your plans, see potential shadow impacts, and get a sense of the site's massing.

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With a keen sense for active transportation analysis, we can help come up with pedestrian and cyclist solutions for cities or sites, including mockups.

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From static mapping to fully built-out public-facing apps, we're experienced at providing a full suite of GIS solutions for municipal and private clients.

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Interior design layouts including dimensions, electrical, or furniture layouts are a key way to convey a building's finished interior.

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